Towers Family Chiropractic provides CHIROPRACTIC CARE, ACUPUNCTURE and NUTRITION SERVICES for wellness, disease prevention, and pain relief. Our chiropractors are Dr. Daniel Sanders and Dr. Michael Burgoon, and our nutritionist is Monica Burgoon, who is also a registered dietitian. Our goal is to get our patients, from babies to the elderly, feeling better fast and then help them improve health longterm, naturally. Watch the video below to learn about “Why choose Dr. Michael Burgoon.”
In this video, find out Why Choose Dr. Michael Burgoon?
What’s Unique About Us
- We work as a professional team combining the best chiropractic and nutrition have to offer.
- We continue to study and search for ways to get people better faster naturally.
- We use objective testing of blood, saliva, urine, and hair analysis, and other lab tests, as part of our nutritional assessments.
- We love what we do-helping people live longer, better while making the world a healthier place for our children.
Michael Burgoon
Dr. Burgoon is licensed by the Virginia Board of Medicine to practice chiropractic. He earned a BS in Biology from State University of New York and graduated with honors from New York Chiropractic College. He has treated all ages, infants to people in their 90’s, and has been in practice in Roanoke for over 20 years.
Dr. Burgoon’s post-graduate programs include:
- Qualified Acupuncturist (200 hour training program)
- Certified Chiropractic Extremities Practitioner
- International Chiropractic Pediatric Association Fellowship
- Certified Practitioner of Webster Intra-uterine Constraint Technique (For pregnant women past 7 months with breech fetal presentation.)
- Certified Chiropractic Biophysics Technique Practitioner
- Post-graduate studies in Cranial technique with Sacro-occipital Research Society International.
Daniel Sanders
Dr. Sanders is licensed by the Virginia Board of Medicine to practice chiropractic. He has a Bachelor’s degree and graduated from Life Chiropractic College. He has joined the Towers Family Chiropractic team with the same values and commitment to “helping you to better health naturally”.
Monica Burgoon is a registered dietitian and a nutritionist with extensive training in the sciences. She earned a BS in chemistry/biology before receiving her Master’s degree in Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University. She completed her training as a dietitian at Cornell. Monica has been studying diet and nutrition for more than 20 years. As clinical nutritionist at Towers Family Chiropractic, Monica has attended the following seminars:
- Science Based Nutrition seminar series.
- Kerry Bone’s MediHerb Seminar: “Keys to Healthy Aging”
- Kerry Bone’s MediHerb Seminar: “Defending the Human Fortress”
- “Metabolic Factors That Mimic or Magnify Musculoskeletal Pain” by Dr. Scott Banks
- “A Chiropractic Perspective of Pharmaceuticals” by Dr. David Seaman
- “The Neural, Endocrine, and Immune Influences on Neuromusculoskeletal Rehabilitation” by Dr. Scott Banks