Please explain why you came to our office.
“I was looking for a chiropractor to continue my chiropractic care when the chiropractor I was seeing was unable to treat me anymore. Dr. Burgoon came highly recommended, so I gave him a try. I’m very glad I did.”
Please describe your response to treatment.
“Responding well to treatments. I feel I don’t need as many treatments and am feeling better with much less discomfort. Thank you!”
~68 year-old female
Too Young For Old Pain
Please explain why you came to our office.
“I’ve had chronic migraines since I was 5 years old. As my body has grown, my back, neck and legs were sore constantly, and my anxiety became more intense. I suffered from insomnia, leaving me tired and unmotivated every morning. My digestive system also stopped working as well as it did when I was little.”
Please describe your response to treatment.
“I wake up rested, with motivation to start my day. My body is less stiff and I’m more flexible, without the old pain. My migraines come less frequently and subside much quicker than they used to . My anxiety is less extreme now and I’ve grown more physically aware of myself and my body’s cues.”
~16 year-old female
Pineapple Cream
This is a gelatin dessert that is light and not too sweet–perfect for warmer weather. Read through the directions carefully before beginning since there are several steps and some could be confusing and some require extra time for chilling.
I like serving this gelled dessert with strawberries which are a low sugar fruit. It is made with organic, pure pineapple juice (bottled, not made from concentrate–found in health food stores). Best to keep the portion size small as too much fructose, even if it is from whole fruit or whole fruit juice, is not a good thing. It can contribute to a fatty liver and who wants that?
Also, the gelatin won’t set if you add fresh pineapple juice or pineapple fruit to it–the pineapple has to be heated (canned or pasteurized) to deactivate the enzyme that prevents gelatin from working. One other note, you could use organic whipping cream instead of the coconut whipped cream. The recipe for coconut whipped cream is here.
Serves 4
1 Tbsp. of gelatin (I use Great Lakes–be sure to get their gelatin as the collagen they sell won’t gel. You could use Knox but Great Lakes is much better quality.)
1/4 cup cold water
2 egg yolks
1 Tbsp. organic cane sugar
2 cups organic, made from fresh fruit not concentrate, pure pineapple juice
1/8 tsp. sea salt
zest from 1 orange or 1 tsp. orange extract
coconut whipped cream made from 1 can of classic coconut milk (follow link above for recipe).
Soak the gelatin in the water in a cup and stir to dissolve. Set aside.
Combine the egg yolks, sugar, juice, and salt in a sauce pan. Use an immersion blender to blend (or a hand electric mixer). Stir constantly over low heat until it simmers but do not boil it–as soon as you see some steam start to rise from the mixture take it off the heat and add the dissolved gelatin. Stir very well. Add the orange extract or zest and stir again. Pour half of this mixture into a small pyrex baking dish that you just rinsed with cold water–pour all of the rinse water out but do not dry the dish as this wetness will help remove the dessert when you serve it. (Remember, you are making 4 servings so that your dish should be the right size for later dividing into 4 servings–you could use any glass container you have as long as it has a flat bottom.) Leave the remaining half of the mixture in the sauce pan.
Note: Your final product will have 2 layers–one plain and the other creamy with the whipped coconut cream folded into it. Cover and refrigerate both halves of the mixture. You want the half in the pyrex dish to set or gel plain while the other half in the pan needs to be combined with the whipped coconut cream later–as soon as it starts to gel. It may take an hour or two for the latter to start to gel so keep an eye on it. As soon as it thickens enough to mound a little on a spoon, remove the pan from the refrigerator and fold in all but 1/4 cup of the whipped coconut cream. Save the 1/4 cup of whipped coconut cream in the refrigerator to dollop on top of the final product later.
The other half of the mixture in the dish in the refrigerator is likely close to set. As soon as it jiggles like jello, remove from the fridge and spoon the creamy mixture on top and use a spatula to evenly spread it. Cover and return to the refrigerator so that the top layer gels more. It should be ready to serve in an hour or so. Right before serving, top each portion with the remaining whipped coconut cream and strawberries if desired.
Cultured & Marinated Salad Vegetables
Is it difficult for you to make a great salad part of your daily diet? Want to make it easier? If so, take the time to prepare a variety of cultured and marinated vegetables ahead. All you will have to do then to make an excellent salad is to prepare a bed of lettuce and/or other leafy greens. Toss the greens with some good quality extra-virgin olive oil and top with whatever combination of prepared veggies you have in the fridge. Marinated veggies will keep in the fridge for at least a week and cultured veggies for a month or more, so it’s well worth it.
The carrot recipe below was inspired by Sally Fallon’s “ginger carrots” in Nourishing Traditions. I changed it mainly with the addition of lemon juice. I’ve made it without the ginger and instead used fresh chives and it was equally good. Also, daikon radish is an option in this recipe. And don’t forget the cultured cabbage (sauerkraut)–I always have some red cabbage sauerkraut in the fridge (see the recipe here). I’ve also posted a zucchini relish that is cultured. Remember that the cultured veggies are usually salty so that you likely won’t need to add salt to your salad.
I am including a few other ideas below in the way of marinated vegetables. Marinating is quicker (fermenting takes a few days) because it does not involve fermentation by lactic acid-producing microorganisms. I like having the red onions and the daikon radish available. Be sure to spoon some of the vinegar onto your salad with the veggies–the flavor is a nice variation. Don’t forget to keep olives in stock too as they are another great addition to this type of salad. Check out the marinated cauliflower recipe I posted previously.
Cultured Carrots
4 cups packed of grated organic carrots
1 Tbsp. sea salt
juice of 1 organic lemon
1-2 Tbsp. finely grated ginger root or 1/4 cup chopped fresh chives
1 cup daikon radish slices (optional)
Scrub the carrots very well– no need to peel them–and grate them into a medium-sized glass bowl. Add the other ingredients and mix well. If you really like ginger, use 2 Tbsp. instead of 1 Tbsp. Pack this mixture (with a spoon) into a wide-mouthed, quart-sized mason jar. For a weight, fill an 8- ounce canning jar with water and put its lid on. This small jar should fit into the mouth of a wide-mouthed mason jar. Press the carrots down further by pushing down on the small jar–it will be sticking up out of the larger jar but that is ok. Leave it there and cover the whole thing with cheese cloth held in place around the larger jar’s mouth with a rubber band. Keep on your kitchen countertop out of direct sunlight for 3 days being sure to press down on the small jar every day to keep the carrots under the liquid–taste them each time to see how you like them. You may prefer to ferment them 2 instead of 3 days–after fermentation, cap and keep them refrigerated
Marinated Red Onions
1 large red onion, chopped fine
1/2 to 1 cup organic, raw apple cider vinegar
1 Tbsp. honey
Mix 1/2 cup of the vinegar with the honey in a mason jar (either a pint or quart-sized). Add the chopped onions and stir well. If the onions are not totally submerged in vinegar once you press then down with a fork, add more vinegar until they are. Cap and refrigerate. Marinate for at least 8 hours before serving. Keep refrigerated.
Marinated Daikon Radish
1 medium daikon radish, scrubbed with vegetable brush, peeled if skin is not smooth and white, and then sliced in 1/8 inch rounds
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar (the herb flavored varieties are good but plain is fine too)
1 tsp. honey, optional
If you are using honey, dissolve it in the vinegar in a bowl. Add the radish slices and stir well to coat them. Transfer to a pint-sized mason jar, cap, and refrigerate. If convenient, give the jar a shake whenever you open your refrigerator to keep them evenly coated. Ready to serve in 4 hours. Keep refrigerated.
Quite A Doctor
Please explain why you came to our office.
“Recommended by my daughter and granddaughter for adjustment that was needed.”
Please describe your response to treatment.
“Since coming I have taken one great fall and through the attention and treatment of Dr. Burgoon, all is back to normal and feeling good. Quite a doctor.”~82 year-old male
Back Pain and Exercises
Please explain why you came to our office.
“I was talking to a co-worker about my back pain and she recommended coming here. She was very complimentary about the care she received so I thought I’d come and see. I’m so glad that I did!”
Please describe your response to treatment.
“I’m feeling much better and stronger. I’m also relieved that Dr. Burgoon has taught me exercises to strengthen my back as opposed to other chiropractors who told me that I would struggle for the rest of my life. In a word: thankful.”~28 year-old female
Worked Before, Works Again
Please explain why you came to our office.
“I was a past patient. I’ve been feeling pain in my hip and shoulders, so I decided to return and receive more treatments. It worked before so I believe it will work again. I feel Dr Burgoon is very experienced and knows his field.”
Please describe your response to treatment.
“So far the pain has decreased. I drive long hours and on the 8th hour I start feeling pain in my hip. When I get an adjustment I’m good for days.”
~52 year-old male
Goodbye Shoulder Pain
Please explain why you came to our office.
“I started to see Dr. Burgoon after dealing with near-constant shoulder pain and numbness in my arm and fingers.”
Please describe your response to treatment.
“I’ve been so happy with my treatment. My shoulder pain and numbness is gone. I feel like my posture is also so much better.” ~42 year-old female
Ditch that Pain in your Neck
Please explain why you came to our office.
“A few years ago out of the blue I felt as though I slipped a disc and was unable to lift my head without extreme discomfort. I made an appointment with my normal doctor and he gave me pain killers and told me to apply ice. Since I didn’t get any relief I made an appointment to see Dr. Burgoon.”
Please describe your response to treatment.
“After seeing Dr. Burgoon I immediately got relief and was able to return to normal life! Since the first visit with Dr. Burgoon I have a new respect for chiropractic care and always look forward to my adjustments. The issue with my neck has not returned and I truly feel better than ever! Many thanks to Dr. Burgoon!” ~35 year-old male
Pinched with a Limp
Please explain why you came to our office.
“My initial visit to Towers Chiropractic was for a pinched nerve. I was limping on my left leg for 5 weeks and getting progressively worse. Not only was my bodybuilding training interrupted but my everyday activities and basic movements. I had an x-ray taken and prescribed treatment after muscle testing and an evaluation was done.”
Please describe your response to treatment.
“I noticed immediate relief and gradually over the next week had daily progress. I continue to come weekly for maintenance of my scoliosis and other imbalances from training or daily activities. Dr. Burgoon has been the most knowledgeable and helpful practitioner I’ve worked with. It has been a blessing to come here!” ~39 year-old female